While working in the CALM Customer Portal, you may be curious what the status of your requirements package may be. Whether you've just started putting it together, have submitted it for consideration, or has been awarded by the GSA, there's a quick and convenient place for you to see where things stand.

On the "Requirements Package Tracking" page, there is a column on the right-hand side of the grid that shows the status of a given requirements package:

The most recent status of a requirements package will also display in the right side of the header section when you are inside of the requirements package Details page:

To understand what these statuses mean, we've listed out definitions of the possible statuses:

Draft: The requirements package has been created, but has not yet been submitted to GSA for consideration. You may edit the package details and add attachments accordingly. This is the status of a package that has also been received by GSA and since amended within the CALM Customer Portal.

Rejected: The requirements package was submitted to the GSA, however for whatever reason the requirements package was not accepted for consideration.

Accepted: The requirements package was submitted to the GSA, received by the agency, and approved for consideration.

Awarded: The requirements package as been successfully awarded by the GSA.

Submitted: The requirements package has been submitted to the GSA for consideration, but the agency has not yet received the package.

Received: The requirements package has been submitted to the GSA for consideration, and the agency has not yet received the package. However, the GSA has not yet made a determination whether the requirements package will be accepted or rejected.

Cancelled: The requirements package has been cancelled by the requestor, and no further action will be performed for the requirements package. Once a package is in the Cancelled status, it may not be updated; however, it can be copied to create a new requirements package.